Wednesday, July 25, 2007

first shots

here is Naomi!

Baby Blake Arrives!!

God is good! I cant say I have been through a rollercoaster as big as seeing my wonderful wife give birth to our baby daughter, Naomi Annelies Blake.
It started off with leonore waters breaking at 9:30pm on Tuesday 24th July at homegroup of all places! We will never forget that evening and I am sure neither will the homegroup... I am leaving leonore to explain the technical stuff which follows....Well can't believe I have personally delivered a baby! Wow I now have even more respect for women. It went amazingly well and after having the perfect pregnancy I indeed had the perfect delivery despite being very painful of course. Basically as Chris said my waters broke and then everything started to happen. Within 4 hours I was 6-7cm dilated and very soon had urges to push which led to the most painful bit for me. Pushing Naomi out took forever it seems but was only really an average hour. Anyway she delivered in the pool which was great relief for me and all as planned at home! God is good! How amazing and overwhelming to bring my own beautiful baby to the surface who was wide awake taking it her surroundings. She is absolutely gorgious and we haven't taken our eyes of her since!

Monday, July 9, 2007