Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sorry, no news for ages and now you are getting double portions!
I just thought I better do a video for those who want to see our girl in action. It pretty much describes what stage she is in at the moment which is a lot of walking around between the kitchen and lounge playing with her doll, toys and particularly books! She loves reading books to herself or will bring them to us to read and she is getting very good at pointing at the right things. We take regular trips to the park and playground where she loves climbing, swinging, sliding etc. Her vocabularly is limited to daddy, mama(sometimes) ball, teddy,ta (dank/thank you), bah (dirty)and daar(there) whilst pointing her finger. All very cute. She has no problems understanding us though, particularly when she shakes or nods her head in response! She is still such a happy easy going little girl who makes us very proud.
Daddy and Mama are doing well too! Chris is getting into his promotion at work looking after Morrisons now and I still love my work-home life balance. We are doing the Alpha Marriage course which has been very good! It is so relevant to every marriage and we are finding it really helpful because it forces us to communicate more and better! Would recommend it if you can get to one!
We are looking forward to a trip to Holland soon as we were last there in June. Naomi will love playing with her cousins!

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