Sunday, January 17, 2010

Family visits

Well another week has gone by, our beautiful little girl is now 2 weeks old, and we are slowly thinking about getting into to normal life and routine again. We had a wonderful time with my parents here for a week and also my brother Adriaan, Rebecca and Anna came to stay for a few days so it was a lovely house full! Chris is back at work so I have had my first few days on my own which went better than I expected. I even managed to get to a toddler group! Esther has been a happy contented girl. She feeds 3 hourly which I hope might stretch a bit more at night as I am feeling quite tired. Naomi's naptime have been a life saver to catch up with some sleep! We are looking forward to some trips to Chris' parents and my parents over the next few weeks. And then the real life of a mother of two begins!

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